
FutureCamp – profound methodological competency in innovation

Innovation is the key to long-term success. Ideas arise from creative impulses. To turn ideas into innovations further steps must follow: assessment, selection, substantiation, development, financing, and implementation.

Innovation involves two key aspects: first, the capacity of an organisation to adapt to changing conditions; second, the assessment and the development of ideas to economically successful products and business fields. Corporate innovation requires the interplay of a wide variety of competencies.

Take advantage of our long-term practical experience: Since 2001 FutureCamp has been a competent partner for operative and strategic consulting, implementing individual results, launching comprehensive innovation processes, generating, assessing and selecting ideas, implementing results and monitoring implementations.

Strategic Consulting

"You can recognize a really good idea by the fact that its implementation seems impossible in the first place."
~ Albert Einstein ~

The FutureCamp experts can look back on a long history of consulting experience in large-scale corporations and SMEs. This is complemented by the direct operational management responsibility in our incubated companies. Take advantage of our comprehensive expertise and broad experience in many domains.

We work with approved analytic methods, generate solutions using appropriate creativity techniques and accompany implementation with entrepreneurial experience.

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"True creativity always arises out of want."
~ Wolfgang Joop ~

In addition to long-term, strategic/operational support FutureCamp is also available for unique services. We can support you with single-day or multiple-day workshops, in both the final conception and the implementation. Tie us into your planning and take advantage of our experience.

We will coordinate the aims of the workshop with you, discuss the ideal mix of participants, research suitable methods for individual work steps, arrange an optimal sequence of events and lead a result-oriented workshop.

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"In the old days a facilitator had to be intelligent, today he merely needs good eyes."
~ Alfred Biolek ~

Take advantage of our neutrality to guide you through the day. You can concentrate on the actual topics and leave the rest up to us. As external partners we also have more leeway in dealing with situations arising out of controversial discussions.

In the run-up we will align the agenda with you and bring in our experience, where needed. During the facilitation we will focus on the goal, guide discussions, lead phases of development and document the results so that the day can be a success.

Project Highlight
Strategy Process "Biotechnology 2020+" of the BMBF
Conceptual design and realization of 12 specialist, scenario and creative workshops and 4 congresses, bringing together the relevant researchers and representatives of the industry in Germany, identifying open technology fields, elaborating a new funding program.

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Panel Discussions

FutureCamp has been asked time and again to organize and implement public panel discussions on politically and socially complex topics. Together we will create a content concept, which we will align with the podium participants. A scripted questionnaire with corresponding answers will create a coherent yet fascinating speaker discussion. In addition, we will prepare impulses for the audience in order to stimulate a lively discourse. We will take the burden of chairing the panel discussion and the dialogue with the audience off your shoulders.

Project Highlights:
2011 and 2012 in Berlin "Health Research for the Future" and "Opportunities and Limits of Bioenergy" with the Helmholtz Association, the Leibniz Association, Fraunhofer Association, the Max Planck Society, and the German Ethics Council at the request of the BMBF.

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Creative Processes

"Innovation is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration."
~ Thomas Alva Edison ~

Generating ideas is a difficult process. It requires a structured approach without excessive constraints and leeway for unexpected results. We can help you tackle these seemingly contradictory requirements to work out the best possible results. We have professional and real-life methods, as well as comprehensive experience in dealing with heterogeneous groups.

Sometimes one day is sufficient; often two days are better. This will allow all participants to free themselves from their everyday thoughts and become open for mental detours that lead to unexpected ideas. Together, we will design a concept tailored to your specific situation. We will put together a coherent plot, choose suitable methods, adapt documentation format and implement everything. We will relieve you of the mundane tasks and leave you free to generate great input.

Our creative methods are scientifically backed, field-tested and results-oriented. We place special emphasis on clearly documenting the interim stages to ensure a solid outcome.

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Scenario Processes

"I prefer to remember the future."
~ Salvador Dalí ~

Scenarios do not predict the future. They should highlight both probabilities and uncertainties. Following the initial situational analysis and creative input, scenario techniques include the plausible and conclusive arrangement of possible futures. The idea is to reflect current planning in the new insight and to work out or to adapt future strategies with sufficient space for variation. Jumping into possible futures is an important source of inspiration for all people involved in the process.

You should allocate sufficient time for scenario processes. During the journey from the present into the future, the linear progression we are so used to will be thrown overboard. The participants need to be involved without distraction.

Project Highlights:
2015, research project e-transform
Scenario analyses of societal transformation processes of tomorrow in relation to the energy turnaround today.

2016, Pupil Project week at high schools
Elaboration of future competency scenarios as impulse for ideas for career choice.

2017, Pakistani visiting professors (IT)
Elaboration of scenarios "Pakistan 2030" as a basis for possible future education and training concepts.

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"If you want a person not to shudder at danger, train him before the danger arises."
~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

It does not have to be danger, often it is unusual situations which take us out of our comfort zone. Take advantage of our expertise and enrich your internal competencies. We would be happy to transfer our knowledge and train your team.

The combination of our profound knowledge of methods and entrepreneurial pragmatism makes our seminars pertinent to the working world. We tailor our services to your individual situation to achieve maximum sustainability: the training topics, the type of training, the people it addresses within the company, the timing, the scope. Approach us and we will be happy to identify your needs and requirements.

Our range of topics:
  • Creativity techniques
  • Innovation processes
  • Successful conceptual design of workshops
  • Presenting 4.0 – being effective online
  • Pragmatic project management
  • Active communication through question techniques

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